Simply my friend
Sadly my dear friend Allan has passed away. He will always be A man for a' that an' a' that in my memories. You will always be in my mind's eye Allan.
He was,
A man's a man for a' that, and a' that, and a' that. From 'Robert Burns', came, "a' that", and a' that, and a' that. Here was a man with a' that, from start to now, with a' that. Age-less now, an' still with a' that, aye, he still has a' that. Allan Slowed up a tat, for a' that, slowed in the body, but sharp as a tack. Down a gear, but not in mind. And a more generous man, you'll never find. A retired colonel, some years ago, decided tropical plants to grow. Same success as years gone by, but my, how the years went by. AW Bewley, husband, father. Friend to me, loved by all, so, so plain to see. For years to come for more of that, Aye, for a' that and a' that. Alex. Gillian. Emma. |

Never missed an Anzac march until the last couple of years.